write. write. something. anything. time is an accounting system. time is just an accounting system. there is no accounting for history because time is just an accounting system. existentialism is just too unpopular to be widespread, but it's the only true religion. all we did was say some things that were some other things meant some other things in reality, and everybody went along for the ride as if it was the most natural fucking thing in the world. there is nothing more natural than fiction in this world we currently find ourselves in. and i don't mean it from a moral height or as a benevolent messiah of the societal lessers, i mean it as a slave to a drug that is more powerful than anything you could ever snort, blaze, lick, burn or stuff up your arm or down your throat: thought. the mind is its own entity, and determines its own stimuli for excitement and fear and pain and joy, and so by extension, even the deeper and more subliminal elements like contentment and satiation. this is where it gets tricky because you don't need anything to think, just breathe and awareness, anything short of total oblivion is acceptable. and to try and stop thinking completely is the hardest thing you'd ever have to do if you're even remotely intelligent, once you've got a taste of what it can do for you and learn to harness it, stopping doesn't even cross your mind. its the thing of a stupid past that you've left behind and now you are a new being that ignites on command and all it takes is a little imagination. imagination is tricky too, but we'll get to that later. then comes a time when you need to be alone inside your head but you can't, because you can't stop thinking. that's when you need out, and can't find a way.